This is my research bibliography as of Aug 11, 2016. (automatically generated with (c) Bookends)

Abe, Mitsuyoshi (1976): Oshika-hantō ni okeru shakai seikatsu [Gesellschaft und Alltag auf der Halbinsel Oshika]. In: Tōhoku minzoku shiryō-shū, 5: 188-198.
Abe, Miwa (2013): Manshon ijū kōreisha no saigaiji zeijakusei no kentō: Ōsaka-shi, Kita-ku ni okeru ijūkaisō to kōreika-ritsu [Living in Mansions and Evacuation Vulnerability: Relationship between Residence Height and Elderly Demographics, Kita ward, Osaka City]. In: Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 12: 38-41.
Abe, Miwa and Arinori Yosano (2013): Kōreisha ijūkeitai ni yoru shakaiteki saigai-zeijakusei-sihyō no kōsei to sono kentō. Ōsaka-shi Kita-ku no zenko o taishō to shita bunseki kara [Social Vulnerability Analysis of Households in Kita ward, Osaka - Elucidating the Relationship between Residence Height and Elderly Demographics]. In: Shakaiteki shinrai-gaku, 1: 1-22.
Abe, Muneo (1989): Genbun no kurobune. Sendai-han ikokusen sōdō-ki [Die ‚Schwarzen Schiffe‘ der Genbun-Periode (1736-1740). Dokumetation über die Ereignisse im Zuge der Ankunft eines fremdländischen Schiffes im Fürstentum Sendai]. Sendai: Hōbundō.
Abe, Tetsushi (2005): Cultural friction in Budō. In: Bennett, Alexander (ed.): Budo perspectives, volume one. Auckland: KW, Kendo World Publ. pp. 125-140.
Abel, Thomas and John Richard Stepp (2003): A New Ecosystems Ecology for Anthropology (= Conservation Ecology, 7(3)). 2003. (accessed: 29. Jul. 2007)

Abel, Tom (1998): Complex Adaptive Systems, Evolutionism, and Ecology within Anthropology: Interdisciplinary Research for Understanding Cultural and Ecological Dynamics. In: Georgia Journal of Ecological Anthropology, 2: 6-29.
Acampora, Ralph R. (2001): Real Animals? An Inquiry on Behalf of Relational Zoöntology. In: Human Ecology Review, 8(2): 73-78.
Acheson, James M. (1972): Territories of the Lobstermen. In: Natural History, 81(4): 60-69.
Acheson, James M. (1975): The Lobster Fiefs: Economic and Ecological Effects of Territoriality in the Maine Lobster Industry. In: Human Ecology, 3(3): 183-207.
Acheson, James M. (1981): Anthropology of Fishing. In: Annual Review of Anthropology, 10: 275-316.
Acheson, James M. (1989): Management of Common-Property Resources. In: Plattner, Stuart (ed.): Economic Anthropology. Stanford: Stanford University Press. pp. 351-378, 468.
Acheson, James M. (2000): Clearcutting Maine: Implications for the Theory of Common Property Resources. In: Human Ecology, 28(2): 145-169.
Acheson, James M., Terry Stockwell and James A. Wilson (2000): Evolution of the Maine Lobster Co-management Law. In: Marine Policy Review, Fall 2000: 52-62.
Ackefors, Hans (1989): A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in Eastern and Northwestern Europe: including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria (= Aquaculture development and coordination programme, 38). Rome: United Nations Development Programme.
Adachi, Noboru, Toshihiko Suzuki, Kazuhiro Sakaue, Wataru Takigawa, Naoyuki Ohshima and Yukio Dodo (2006): Kinship analysis of the Jomon skeletons unearthed from a double burial at the Usu-Moshiri site, Hokkaido, Japan. In: Anthropological Science, 114: 29-34.
Adachi, Yasunori (2005): Gyogyō-shi. Kindai [Fischereigeschichte der Moderne]. In: GKG [Gyogyō-keizai gakkai] (ed.): Gyogyō-keizai kenkyū no seika to kadai [Studienergebnisse und Ausblick zur Fischereiökonomie]. Tōkyō: Seizandō shuppan. pp. 275-278.
Adami, Norbert R. (1991): Bestattung in Japan. Übersicht über neuere monographische Veröffentlichungen. In: Krebs, Gerhard and Andreas N. Küppers (eds.): Konflikt (= Japanstudien, 3). München: iudicium Verlag. pp. 317-324.
Adeola, Francis O. (2001): Environmental Injustice and Human Rights Abuse: The States, MNCs, and Repression of Minority Groups in the World System. In: Human Ecology Review, 8(1): 39-59.
Adrianto, Luky, Yoshiaki Matsuda and Yoshiaki Sakuma (2005): Assessing local sustainability of fisheries system: a multi-criteria participatory approach with the case of Yoron Island, Kagoshima prefecture, Japan. In: Marine Policy, 29: 9-23.
Agrawal, Arun (1995): Dismantling the divide between indigenous and scientific knowledge. In: Development and Change, 26: 413-439.
Agrawal, Arun (1995): Indigenous and scientific knowledge: some critical comments (= IK Monitor [= Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor], 3(3)). 1995. (accessed: 1. Mai 2004)

Ahmed, Mahfuzuddin, K. Kuperan Viswanathan and R. A. Valmonte-Santos (2004): Collective Action and Property Rights for Sustainable Development. Collective Action and Property Rights in Fisheries Management (= 2020 Focus, Brief 7 of 16). 2004. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. (accessed: 20. Jul. 2006)

Aikawa, Tadaomi, Andreas Mettenleiter and Christa Habrich (2001): Otto Gottlieb J. Mohnike (1814-1887) und die Einführung der Pockenschutzimpfung in Japan im Jahre 1849 ; Katalog zur Ausstellung in Deutschland 2000/2001 ; [Sieboldmuseum Würzburg: 19. März bis 30. Juni 2000. Rathaus der Stadt Greifswald, Gewölbekeller: 17. Oktober bis 7. November 2001]. Ingolstadt: Dt. Medizinhistorisches Museum.
Aizawa, Izuru (2009): Miyagi-ken kyū Natori-gun ni okeru ichi sonraku - Nenjo-soshiki to keiyaku [The Structure of a Village in Former NATORI Province in MIYAGI]. In: Tōhoku minzoku, 43: 12-20.
Akamatsu, Sōtan (1971): Tonegawa zushi [Illustrierte Darstellung des Tonegawa]. 4. Auflage. Orig. a.d. 19. Jhdt. zw. 1936-1938 hrsg. und bearb. von Yanagita Kunio. Tōkyō: Iwanami shoten.
Akasaka Norio (ed.) (2012): Fukkoku-ban. Meiji 29-nen ‚Fūzoku gahō‘ rinji zōkan. Daikaishō higai-roku [Wiederabdruck. Sondereditionen der Zeitschrift ‚Fūzoku gahō‘ aus dem Jahr 1896. Aufzeichnungen der großen Tsunami-Katastrophe] (= Mayohiga. Tōno-bunka tomo no kai kaihō, 2). Nachdruck der Sondereditionen des Magazins ‚Fūzoku gahō‘ Nr. 118 bis 120. Tōno: Tōno-shiritsu Tōno-bunka kenkyū sentā.
Akasaka, Norio (2011): Ima, Tōhoku runessansu ga hajimaru [Jetzt beginnt die Wiedergeburt Tōhokus]. In: G2, 7: 44-51.
Mori, Akiko (ed.) (2013): Anthropology of Europe as Seen from Japan. Considering Contemporary Forms and Meanings of the Social (= Senri Ethnological Studies, 81). Senri, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
Akimichi Tomoya (1981): Riverine Fisheries in Nineteenth Century Hida. In: Koyama, Shūzō and Thomas David Hurst (eds.): Affluent Foragers. Pacific Coasts East and West (= Senri Ethnological Studies, 9). Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. pp. 141-156 + 2 ill.
Akimichi Tomoya (2007): Jo: Shigen, nariwai-fukugō, komonzu [Vorwort: Ressourcen, Mischwirtschaft und Allmende]. In: Akimichi Tomoya (ed.): Shigen to komonzu [Ressourcen und Allmenden] (= Shigen-jinruigaku, 8 [Anthropologie der Ressourcen, 8]). Tōkyō: Kōbundō. pp. 13-36.
Akimichi, Tomoya (ed.) (1996): Coastal foragers in transition (= Senri Ethnological Studies, 42). Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1996): Introduction. In: Akimichi, Tomoya (ed.): Coastal foragers in transition (= Senri Ethnological Studies, 42). Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. pp. 1-9.
Akimichi, Tomoya (ed.) (1999): Shizen wa dare no mono ka? „Commons no higeki“ o koete [Wem gehört die Natur? Die Überwindung der „Tragik der Allmende“] (= Kōza: Ningen to kankyō, 1 [Lehrbuch: Der Mensch und die Umwelt, 1]). Kyōto: Shōwadō.
Akimichi, Tomoya and Kenneth Ruddle (1984): Historical Development of Territorial Rights and Fishery Regulations in Okinawan Inshore Waters. In: Ruddle, Kenneth and Tomoya Akimichi (eds.): Maritime Institutions in the Western Pacific (= Senri Ethnological Studies, 17). Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. pp. 37-88.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1977): Dentō-teki gyorō ni okeru ginō no kenkyū. Shimokita-hantō, Ōma no babagarei-ryō [An Ecological Survey of the Slimeflounder Fishery at Oma, Japan. Optimal Fishing and Human Skills]. In: Kokuritsu minzokugaku hakubutsu-kan kenkyū-hōkoku, 2(4): 702-764.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1984): Sakana to bunka: Satawaru-tō minzoku-gyorui-shi [Fisch und Kultur. Aufzeichnungen über die volkskundliche Ichthyologie und Taxonomie der Satawal-Inseln] (= Monad books, 32). Tōkyō: Kaimei-sha.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1984): Territorial Regulation in the Small-Scale Fisheries of Itoman, Okinawa. In: Ruddle, Kenneth and Tomoya Akimichi (eds.): Maritime Institutions in the Western Pacific (= Senri Ethnological Studies, 17). Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. pp. 89-120.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1988): Kaijin no minzokugaku. Sangoshō o koete [Ethnographie der kaijin (ama). Über das Korallenriff hinaus] (= NHK Books, 561). Tōkyō: Nihon hōsō shuppan kyōkai.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1991): Setouchi no seitaigaku. Setouchi no gyorō to seien [Kulturökologie der Inlandsee. Fischereiarbeit und Salzgewinnung der Inlandsee]. In: Ōbayashi Taryō, Tanikawa Kenichi, Mori Kōichi and Miyata Noboru (eds.): Setouchi no ama-bunka [Die Tauchfischerkultur der Inlandsee] (= Umi to retto bunka, 9 [Das Meer und die Kultur des Archipels, 9]). Tōkyō: Shōgakkan. pp. 51-82.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1992): Ayu to Nihon-jin [Der ayu-Fisch (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis Temminck & Schlegel= „Süßwasserlachs“) und die Japaner] (= Maruzen Library, 061). Tōkyō: Maruzen.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1993): Umi no shigen to kaihatsu [Maritime Ressourcen und ihre Erschließung]. In: Shimizu, Akitoshi and Yoshioka Masanori (eds.): Oseania 3, Kindai ni ikiru [Ozeanien, 3. Die Moderne]. Tōkyō: Tōkyō daigaku shuppan kai. pp. 187-200.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1994): Kujira to hito no minzoku-shi [Ethnographie von Walen und Menschen]. Tōkyō: Tōkyō daigaku shuppan-kai.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1995): Nawabari no bunka-shi. Umi, yama, kawa no shigen to minzoku-shakai [Kulturgeschichte des Reviers. Traditionelle Gesellschaft und die Ressourcen des Meeres, der Berge und der Flüsse]. Tōkyō: Shōgakkan.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1995): Kaiyō minzokugaku. Umi no nachurarisuto tachi [Maritime Anthopologie. Die Naturalisten des Meeres]. Tōkyō: Tōkyō daigaku shuppankai.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1997): Nawabari to kyōyū-shisō. 1890-nendai Nihon no naisuimen ni okeru suisan-shigen no hendō to kankyō-mondai [Territoriality and the Commons: Fluctuations of Inland Fisheries Resources and its Environmental Implications During the 1890s of Meiji, Japan]. In: Kankyō-shakaigaku kenkyū, 3(3): 86-99.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1997): Kyōyū-shigen o meguru sōkoku to dakai [Konflikt und Überwindung bei den Common]. In: Fukui, Masayoshi (ed.): Kankyō to ningen-shi [Notizen zur Umwelt und den Menschen] (= Iwanami kōza. Bunka-jinruigaku, 2). Tōkyō: Iwanami shoten. pp. 165-187.
Akimichi, Tomoya (1999): Jobun [Vorwort]. (ed.): Shizen wa dare no mono ka? „Commons no higeki“ o koete [Wem gehört die Natur? Die Überwindung der „Tragik der Allmende“] (= Kōza: Ningen to kankyō, 1). Kyōto: Shōwadō. pp. 5-20.
Akimichi, Tomoya (2001): Species-Oriented Community-Based Resource Management. A Case Study from Small-Scale Fisheries in the Yaeyama Islands, Southwestern Japan. In: McGoodwin, James R. (ed.): Understanding the Cultures of Fishing Communities. A Key to Fisheries Management and Food Security (= FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 401). Rome: FAO. pp. 109-131.
Akimichi, Tomoya (2002): Jo. Funsō no umi. Suisan shigenkanri no jinruigaku-teki kadai to tenbō [Vorwort. Das Meer der Konflikte. Ausblick und Aufgaben des Ressoucenmanagements in der Anthropologie]. In: Akimichi Tomoya and Nobuhiro Kishigami (eds.): Funsō no umi. Suisan shigenkanri no jinruigaku [Das Meer der Konflikte. Anthropologie des Ressourcenmanagements in der Fischerei]. Kyōto: Jinbun shoin. pp. 9-36.
Akimichi, Tomoya (2004): Komonzu no jinruigaku. Bunka, rekishi, seitai [Anthropologie der Commons. Kultur, Geschichte, Ökologie]. Kyōto: Jinbun shoin.
Akimichi, Tomoya and Nobuhiro Kishigami (eds.) (2002): Funsō no umi. Suisan shigenkanri no jinruigaku [Das Meer der Konflikte. Anthropologie des Ressourcenmanagements in der Fischerei]. Kyōto: Jinbun shoin.
Akimichi, Tomoya, Pamela J. Asquith, Harumi Befu, Theodore C. Bestor, Stephen R. Braund, Milton M.R. Freeman, Helen Hardacre, Arne Kalland, Masami Iwasaki, Lenore Manderson, Brian Moeran and Junichi Takahashi (1988): Small-Type Coastal Whaling in Japan: Report of an International Workshop (= Occasional Publication, 27). Edmonton: Boreal Institute for Northern Studies.
Akita Sakigake shinpō (2014): Kamikoani kōreika-ritsu 50% kosu. Kennai shichōson de hatsu [Kamikoani’s over-ageing rate climbs over 50%. First time within Akita’s municipalities]. 2014. (accessed: September 13, 2014)

Akita-ken (ed.) (1998): Kenmingyo „hatahata“ no shigenkanri. Zenmen kinryō e, soshite kaikin e [Hatahata, Fisch der Präfekturbevölkerung und dessen Ressourcenmanagement. Hin zu einem Moratorium, hin zur Auflösung dessen]. Akita: Akita-ken.
Akita-ken (ed.) (2002): Ken no sakana hatahata [Fisch der Präfektur: hatahata]. O.O. [Akita]: Akita-ken.
Akita, George (1982): Trends in Modern Japanese Political History: The `Positivist‘ Studies. In: Monumenta Nipponica, 37(4): 497-521.
Akiyama, Takashi, Hayashi Hideo, Maemura Matsuo, Miura Keiichi and Mori Sugio (eds.) (1991): Zuroku. Sanryōson seikatsu-shi jiten [Illustriertes Lexikon zur Alltagsgeschichte von Berg- und Fischerdörfern]. Tōkyō: Kashiwa shobō.
AKSGK [Akita-ken suisan gyokō-ka] (2001): Hatahata no shigenkanrigata gyogyō. Torinagara fuyasu [Die Ressourcen regulierte hatahata-Fischerei. Fangend vermehren]. Akita: Akita-ken suisan gyokō-ka.
AKSSS [Akita-ken suisan shinkō sentā], Yamagata-ken suisan shikenjō, Tottori-ken suisan shikenjō and Shimane-ken suisan shikenjō (eds.) (1989): Hatahata no seitai to shigenkanri ni kan suru kenkyū-hōkoku-sho. Chisaki-shigen no gyojō-keisei-yōin-hyōka oyobi kanri-gijutsu [Forschungsbericht zur Ökologie und zum Ressourcenmanagement von hatahata. Bewertung wichtiger Faktoren zur Morphologie von Fischgründen küstennaher Ressourcen] (= Suisan-gyō chiiki jūyō shin-gijutsu-kaihatsu sokushin-jigyō hōkoku-sho, Shōwa 63 nendo [=1988]). O.O. [Akita]: AKSSS.
Albach, Horst (1993): Changing Values of German Managers. In: Japanstudien, 4: 113-126.
Aldous, Christopher (2003): Achieving Reversion: Protest and Authority in Okinawa, 1952-70. In: Modern Asian Studies, 37(2): 485-508.
Aldrich, Daniel P. (2010): Fixing recovery: Social capital in post-crisis resilience. In: Journal of Homeland Security, 6: 1-10.
Aldrich, Daniel P. (2012): Networks of power: institutions and local residents in post-Tōhoku Japan. In: Kingston, Jeff (ed.): Natural disaster and nuclear crisis in Japan: response and recovery after Japan’s 3/11. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 127-139.
Aldrich, Daniel P. (2012): Social, not physical, infrastructure: the critical role of civil society after the 1923 Tokyo earthquake. In: Disasters, 36(3): 398-419.
Alexander Slawik and Sepp Linhart (eds.) (1982): Aso. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart eines ländlichen Raumes in Südjapan. Band III (= Beiträge zur Japanologie, 18). Wien: Institut für Japanologie der Universität Wien.
Alexander, David (2006): Crisis intervention and risk reduction. In: Walter J. Ammann, Stefanie Dannenmann and Laurent Vulliet (eds.): Risk 21. Coping with Risks due to Natural Hazards in the 21th Century. Proceedings of the Risk21 Workshop, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, 28 November-3 December 2004. London, Leiden, New York, Philadelphia, Singapore: Taylor & Francis. pp. 51-56.
Alexy, Allison (2011): The Door My Wife Closed: Houses, Families, and Divorce in Japan. In: Richard Ronald and Allison Alexy (eds.): Home and Family in Japan: Continuity and Transformation. London: Routledge Press. pp. 236-253.
Altreiter, Carina and Bettina Leibetseder (2015): Constructing Inequality: Deserving and Undeserving Clients in Austrian Social Assistance Offices. In: Journal of Social Policy, 44(1): 127-145.
Alwang, Jeffrey, Paul B. Siegel and Steen L. Jørgensen (2001): Vulnerability: A View From Different Disciplines (= Social Protection Discussion Paper Series, 23304). Washington: The World Bank. Social Protection Unit, Human Development Network.
Ambaras, David R. (1998): Social Knowledge, Cultural Capital, and the New Middle Class in Japan, 1895-1912. In: Journal of Japanese Studies, 24(1): 1-33.
Ambaras, David R. (2004): Juvenile Delinquency and the National Defense State: Policing Young Workers in Wartime Japan, 1937-1945. In: The Journal of Asian Studies, 63(1): 31-60.
Amborn, Hermann (1992): Strukturalismus. Theorie und Methode. In: Fischer, Hans (ed.): Ethnologie: Einführung und Überblick. Dritte Auflage. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag. pp. 337-365.
Ames, Chris and Yuiko Koguchi-Ames (2012): Friends in need: ‚Operation Tomodachi‘ and the politics of US military disaster relief in Japan. In: Kingston, Jeff (ed.): Natural disaster and nuclear crisis in Japan: response and recovery after Japan’s 3/11. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 207-219.
Amino, Yoshihiko (1985): Kodai, chūsei, kinsei shoki no gyorō to kaisanbutsu no ryūtsū [Fischereiarbeit und Transportwesen im japanischen Altertum, Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit]. In: Nagahara, Keiji and Keiji Yamaguchi (eds.): Kōza: Nihon gijutsu no shakai-shi, dai-2, engyō, gyogyō [Handbuch: Sozialgeschichte der Technik in Japan, 2: Salzwesen und Fischerei]. Tōkyō: Nihon hyōron-sha. pp. 197-271; Bibliographie: 391.
Amino, Yoshihiko (1990): Nihon-ron no shiza: rettō no shakai to kokka [Perspektiven auf Japan-Theorien: Gesellschaft und Staat des Archipels]. Tōkyō: Shōgakukan.
Amino, Yoshihiko (1992): Shibusawa Keizō no gakumon to ikikata [Wissenschaft und Lebensart von Shibusawa Keizō]. In: Amino, Yoshihiko, Shibusawa Masahide, Ninohei Tokuo, Hayami Akira, Yamaguchi Kazuo and Yamaguchi Tetsu (eds.): Shibusawa Keizō chosaku-shū, 3 [Gesammelte Werke von Shibusawa Keizō, Band 3]. Tōkyō: Heibon-sha. pp. 557-581.
Amino, Yoshihiko (1996): Zoku. Nihon no rekishi o yominaosu [Fortsetzung: die japanische Geschichte anders lesen]. Tōkyō: Chikuma shobō.
Amino, Yoshihiko (1996): Shoku. Nihon no rekishi o yominaosu [Eine Neuinterpretation der Geschichte Japans. Fortsetzung (= Band 2)] (= Chikuma puriima bukkusu, 96). Tōkyō: Chikuma shobō.
Amino, Yoshihiko (1997): Umi no kuni no chūsei [Das Mittelalter des Archipels] (= Heibonsha library, 224). Tōkyō: Heibon-sha.
Amino, Yoshihiko (1997): Nihon shakai no rekishi. Jō [Geschichte der japanischen Gesellschaft, 1] (= Iwanami shinsho, 500). Tōkyo: Iwanami shoten.
Amino, Yoshihiko (1997): Nihon shakai no rekishi. Chū [Geschichte der japanischen Gesellschaft, 2] (= Iwanami shinsho, 501). Tōkyo: Iwanami shoten.
Amino, Yoshihiko (1997): Nihon shakai no rekishi. Ge [Geschichte der japanischen Gesellschaft, 3] (= Iwanami shinsho, 502). Tōkyo: Iwanami shoten.
Amino, Yoshihiko (1998): Kaimin to Nihon shakai (These are what Japan has raised in its history) [Die Küstenbevölkerung und die Gesellschaft Japans]. Tōkyō: Shin-jinbutsu ōrai-sha.
Amino, Yoshihiko (1984): Nihon chūsei no hi-nōgyōmin to tennō [Das Kaiserhaus und die nicht-agrarische Bevölkerung im japanischen Mittelalter]. Tōkyō: Iwanami shoten.
Andermann, Gerhard. (1989): Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarpolitik in Japan und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg : eine international vergleichende Analyse. Kiel: Vauk.
Andersen, Bo Sølgaard and Anne-Sofie Christensen (2006): Modelling Short-Term Choice Behaviour of Danish Fishermen in a Mixed Fishery. In: Fisheries Centre Research Reports, 14(1) (= Proceedings of the 2005 North American Association of Fisheries Economists Forum): 13-26 [134].
Anderson, Eugene Newton (1994): Fish as Gods and Kin. In: Dyer, Christopher L. and James R. McGoodwin (eds.): Folk Management in the World’s Fisheries. Lessons for Modern Fisheries Management. Colorado: University of Colorado Press. pp. 139-160.
Anderson, Eugene Newton (1996): Ecologies of the heart: Emotion, Belief, and the Environment. Oxford und New York: Oxford University Press.
Andō, Rikinosuke (1909): Miyagi-ken zenzu [Karte der gesamten Präfektur Miyagi]. Tōkyō: Hakuai-sha.
Andō, Shōeki (1753): Kōhon Shizen shineindō [“The True Way of Administering [the society] According to Nature“].
Andō, Takatoshi (1957): Gyoson no shiawase o motomete [Auf der Suche nach einem glücklichen Fischerdorf]. Tōkyō: Isana shobō.
Andō, Takatoshi (1968): Gyoson ni ikiru. Andō Takatoshi kōen-shū [Leben im Fischerdorf. Gesammelte Vorträge von Andō Takatoshi]. Sapporo: Hokkai-suisan shinbun-sha.
Andō, Takatoshi (1998): A saga of success. In: SAMUDRA report, 21: 14-16.
Andō, Takatoshi (1999): Pushing for three levels. In: SAMUDRA report, September 1999: 45-48.
Andō, Takatoshi (1999): Beyond the sneers. In: SAMUDRA report, December 1999: 36-38.
Andō, Takatoshi (2000): A time of surrender. In: SAMUDRA report, April 2000: 34-36.
Andō, Takatoshi (2000): Never loose your cool. In: SAMUDRA report, August 2000: 51-53.
Andō, Takatoshi (2001): Penny saved, penny earned. In: SAMUDRA report, April 2001: 47-49.
Andō, Takatoshi (2001): Focusing on insurance. In: SAMUDRA report, August 2001: 46-49.
Andō, Takatoshi (2001): Don’t dump wastes into the sea. In: SAMUDRA report, December 2001: 47-49.
Andō, Takatoshi (2002): Success comes calling. In: SAMUDRA report, March 2002: 44-46.
Andō, Takatoshi (2002): Economic powerhouses. In: SAMUDRA report, July 2002: 40-44.
Anesaki, Masaru (1922): Social Unrest and Spiritual Agitation in Present-Day Japan. In: The Harvard Theological Review, 15(4): 305-322.
Anju Gupta and Haresh C. Shah (1998): The strategy effectiveness chart. A tool for evaluating earthquake disaster mitigation strategies. In: Applied Geography, 18(1): 55-67.
Ann Waswo and Nishida Yoshiaki (eds.) (2003): Farmers and village life in twentieth-century Japan. London, New York: RoutledgeCurzon.
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Anonymous (1956): Die Geschichte des Institutes für Völkerkunde. In: Josef Haekel, Anna Hohenwart-Gerlachstein and Alexander Slawik (eds.): Festschrift anläßlich des 25-jährigen Bestandes des Institutes für Völkerkunde (1929 - 1954). Horn: Verlag Ferdinand Berger. pp. 1-16.
Anonymous (1969): International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences: Report of the Secretary- General. In: Current Anthropology, 10(4), Part 2: 467-470.
Anonymous (1974): International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences: Report of the Secretary- General. In: Current Anthropology, 15(2): 145-146.
Anonymous (2012): Ishinomaki meisan no hoya to hotate no fukkō mezasu [Das Ziel, die für Ishinomaki berühmte Produktion von Seescheiden und Jakobsmuscheln wiederherzustellen]. In: Enishi, 3: 120-121.
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