


  • What We Want to Tell You Now (Provisionary): A Play by High School Students from Fukushima Prefecture (Translated by students of Keio University in cooperation with the original authors under supervision of Johannes Wilhelm (corresponding author), Akemi Yamauchi, with Yoshihiro Watanobe, Norio Akasaka). In: Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques, 73(2): 347-361.

  • Seven Years after Disaster. Fisheries Communities in Coastal Pacific Tōhoku. In: Giovanni Bulian and Yasushi Nakano (eds.): Small-scale Fisheries in Japan. Environmental and Socio-cultural Perspectives (= Ca’ Foscari Japanese Studies, 8). Venice: Ca’ Foscari University Press. pp. 129-152.
  • 集落の崩壊と地域活性化に見られる住民の葛藤:秋田県北秋田郡上小阿仁村八木沢を実例に [Residents in despair between regional revitalisation and decline]. In: 総合人間学 Synthetic Anthopology, 12: 81-98.

  • Aspects of social vulnerability as seen in three hamlets of northern Tōhoku and central Kyūshū. In: Proceedings of 2017 Japan-Korea Rural Planning Seminar, Resilience and Sustainability of Rural Areas: 21-22.
  • 防潮堤から2300里先に見える災害・生活・幸せ [Disaster, life and happiness as seen 2300-ri from the seawall]. In: IUI都市イノベーション学府・研究院、横浜国立大学大学院都市イノベーション学府・研究院イヤーブック. Yokohama: IUI Toshi inobeshon gakufu, kenkyūin. pp. 32-35.

  • Wissenschaftstransfer Österreich-Japan-Österreich: Die „Untersuchung von Agrardörfern im Südosten Europas“ von 1970. In: Ralph Lützeler and Wolfram
  • Manzenreiter (eds.): Aso: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft eines Wiener Forschungsprojekts zum ländlichen Japan (= Beiträge zur Japanologie, 45). Wien: Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften, Japanologie. pp. 125-150.
  • オーストリアから見た東日本大震災 [The Great East Japan Earthquake as seen from Austria]. In: Keio SFC Journal, 16(1): 88-107.
  • ‚Shutairu gakuha‘: kobito o otta St. Gabriel no minzokugaku-sha tachi [The Steyl School: Missionaries from St. Gabriel on the Quest for Dwarfs]. In: Kokusai gakujutsu kenkyūkai 'kōkyō suru kodai‘ (Meiji daigaku kōkogaku kenkyūsho (ed.)), VI: 33–37.
  • Schools in Remote Areas of Japan: Challenges for Youth, Parents and Community. In: Stephanie Assmann (ed.): Sustainability in Contemporary Rural Japan. Challenges and Opportunities. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 19-34.
  • Book review: Akiko Mori (ed.) (2013) „The Anthropology of Europe as Seen from Japan: Considering Contemporary Forms and Meanings of the Social“, Journal of Anthropological Reserach, 71(4): 598-599.
  • We just want to be, staying here …, a biography of a marginal community’s school [ただ、ここに、在り続けたい.校舎のバイオグラフィーから見た集落の衰退]. In: 法政大学国際日本学研究所 (ed.): <日本意識>の未来.グローバリゼーションと<日本意識>. pp. 1-19.

  • Fūka. Über das Vergessen. In: Christa Hammerl und Ilja Steffelbauer (Hg.): Naturkatastrophen. Dramatische Naturereignisse aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Wien: Mandelbaum Verlag. pp. 15-27.
  • Bridging between Formal and Informal Institutions in Coastal Marine Management. An Example from Shimane/Japan. In: Dániel-Levente Pál (ed.): Japanese Studies Conference 2014. Building Connections in Central and Eastern Europe, February 17-18, 2014. Budapest: Etövös University Press. pp. 7-14.
  • Die Zaitokukai und der Rechtsextremismus im japanischen Internet. In: David Chiavacchi and Iris Wieczorek (eds.): Japan 2014. Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. München: Iudicium Verlag. pp. 73-99.
  • Bilder einer Katastrophe. In: Streulicht (Photography, Order/Disorder), 2: 104-107.
  • (with Alyne Delaney) No homes, no boats, no rafts: Miyagi coastal people in the aftermath of disaster. In: Tom Gill and Brigitte Steger (eds.): Japan Copes with Calamity: Ethnographies of the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disasters of March 2011. Oxford u.a.O.: Peter Lang. pp. 99-124.
  • Der Wiederaufbau der Fischerei Sanrikus zwischen Sonderzonen und Fischereigenossenschaften. In: Verena Blechinger-Talcott, Christoph Brumann und David Chiavacci (eds.): Ein neues Japan? Politischer und sozialer Wandel seit den 1990er Jahren (= Asiatische Studien/Etudes Asiatiques, 67/2). Bern, Berlin, Brüssel, Frankfurt a.M., New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang. pp. 625-650.
  • (with Alyne Delaney) 「家も、船も、いかだもなくなった大震災後の宮城県沿岸地域の人々」.トム・ギル、ブリギッテ・シテーガ 、デビッド ・スレイター(編)『東日本大震災の人類学. 津波、原発事故と被災者たちの「その後」』. 東京:人文書院. pp. 331-361.